La Llosa de los Valles

“La Llosa de los Valles” (2023—ongoing) is a collaboratory for a more-than-human care situated over an hectare of lush prairie and Cantabrian mixed forest in the “conceyu” of Cabranes, land of Astures, northwest of the Iberian peninsula.

Entangled in Permaculture ethics, the collaboratory is being imagined by Judit's family in cooperation with their extended network of beings at the moment. The Academia de Permacultura Íbera is also accompanying the process through Judit’s diploma studies in Diseño Aplicado de Permacultura. Syntropic dynamics are coming into being, at this stage, within the forest and throughout the design of shelter spaces alongside OMIMO.

“La Llosa de los Valles” is nurtured by sensible observations together with the teachings of Anaïs Estrems, Masanobu Fukuoka, Natasha Myers, Joanna Macy, Maria Puig de la Bellacasa, and many others.

Ostara, spring equinox, 2024